Get treatment for all your urological needs.

Our services

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Prostate & Bladder

At Urology Services Australia we offer treatment and surveillance options for benign and cancerous conditions of the prostate and bladder. This includes:

  • PSA screening and active surveillance

  • Prostate biopsy

  • Prostate cancer surgery

  • Voiding dysfunction and incontinence


Men’s Health

Come in and discuss with us your options regarding hydrocoele, vasectomy or circumcision surgery.
We also provide advice and treatment options regarding erectile dysfunction including penile prosthesis surgery.

Have a history of difficulty passing a strong stream of urine? You may have a scar in your urethra. We provide treatment options including major urethral reconstruction surgery.

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Many of our patients suffer from recurrent stones. We provide a number of surgical treatment options including Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) and laser surgery. We also provide ongoing advice and surveillance for prevention of further stones.

Our surgeons are trained in surgical treatment of kidney cancer and congenital kidney conditions.

Women’s Health

We see female patients suffering from recurrent urinary infections, pelvic pain or frequent urination, bladder prolapse and urinary incontinence.


“My major focus is always on patient care - respect, expertise and communication. I always strive to improve the patient journey.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.